Are You The Right Fit?

Who is the RIGHT Fit?

We want to make sure that everyone in the group is in alignment. Tolerance is important as not everybody has the same experience, but we do want to make sure that there aren’t philosophical differences that will end up dividing us, distracting us from the purpose of growth. These are not prescriptive or deal breakers, but the ideal member will encompass these principles. These are in addition to the requirements of at least one year sober and having built a business that generates over $250k/yr.

Company with Employees

Not just about helping your bank account, but those who help make it happen. Ideal members have at least 4 employees.

Growing Company

You experience year over year growth and have reached a point where sustaining growth the current way is difficult or unknown.

Growth Mindset

If you are happy but hungry, this is the right place. Egos get checked at the door, and there is no “better than” we are all improving.

Strong 12 Step Background

Someone who has been through the 12 steps and sponsors others / helps others in the community.

Removed Obsession

While we do not believe you are ever truly “cured” from this disease, it is not a frequent issue in your life trying to avoid using.

Avid Reader

Learning more is something you invest heavily in. Wanting to learn more and grow. Whether it’s a new skill or sharpening the axe.

Who is the WRONG Fit?

Just as important as finding who is the right fit, we want to make sure that people who aren’t on the same page find other groups that are better suited for their situations. This isn’t to say the following are inherently bad; they are just different from what we are looking for.

California Sober

In this group, we consider sober to be free from all mind altering substances. The use of things like weed, kava, and kratam are not within our definition of recovery. Caffeine and nicotine are accepted.

Side Hustle

You want to escape the 9 to 5, and are close to going out on your own. You haven’t made the leap just yet.


If you do not have authority to drastically change the trajectory of your company, you don’t have the autonomy to fit our definition of a “founder.”

Difficulty Commiting

It’s understood that things pop up, but if you do not think you can consistently show up to the weekly meetings it’s not for you.

Victim Mentality

If life seems to never go quite right, you may not want to be involved in a room full of optimists who are focusing on growth.

New Ventures

Whether new to sobriety or new to business. The group and discussions are geared toward those established and growing.

Maybe not right for the $250k group?

We have a Facebook group that is built for all sober entrepreneurs in recovery, regardless of revenue, growth stages, or philosophies of sobriety! Experience similar benefits and a safe place to discuss life on life’s terms.

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